Acoustic Treatment Google HangoutsHome Theater Acoustics Home Theater Acoustic Diffuser Placement & Quantity Suggestions Last week I was asked about home theater acoustic diffuser placement and the amount of…Dennis FoleyAugust 21, 2014
Featured ArticlesHome Theater Acoustics Top 5 home theater acoustic tips Today we’re going to look at the top five home theater acoustic tips that will…Dennis FoleyAugust 19, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google HangoutsHome Theater Acoustics The home theater acoustic design software I would recommend? In last weeks google hangout I was asked which home theater acoustic design software I…Dennis FoleyAugust 15, 2014
Featured ArticlesHome Theater Acoustics Home Theater Acoustic Design 101 Today we're going to talk about home theater acoustic design. Those of you that follow…Dennis FoleyAugust 14, 2014
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Diffusion Vs Reflection Diffusion Vs Reflection - Let the battle of understanding commence. Sound is either diffused, reflected,…Dennis FoleyAugust 5, 2014
Featured ArticlesRecording Studio AcousticsRoom Acoustics Training Room Reflections And Why They Are Important When you listen to music in a concert hall, you are hearing music and room…Dennis FoleyJuly 30, 2014
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Why A DIY Acoustic Diffuser Is A Good Acoustical Tool To Have Do you know that over 90% of rooms have poor sound diffusion and you can…Dennis FoleyNovember 15, 2013
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Critical Loudspeaker / Listener Distance Reverberant Fields When we look at the sound in a room and in particular the…MikeSorensenNovember 28, 2012
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Painting Pictures With Sounds Auralization Auralization refers to the process of interjecting sound energy into a room and then…MikeSorensenNovember 1, 2012
There may be apps that do that. You can definitely find spectrum analyzers that will measure ultra low.
.Plaster is a viable middle and high frequency absorber. We have used it many times in new builds that have…
Hi Dennis I'm curious what you think of acoustic perforated plaster - say CST Galaxy -on particularly ceilings in music…
There may be apps that do that. You can definitely find spectrum analyzers that will measure ultra low.
Is there an APP that can measure the ultra low frequency levels?
.Plaster is a viable middle and high frequency absorber. We have used it many times in new builds that have…
Hi Dennis I'm curious what you think of acoustic perforated plaster - say CST Galaxy -on particularly ceilings in music…