Featured ArticlesSacred Ground Sacred Ground Ceiling System We're going to take a little bit of a look at the ceiling system today…Dennis FoleySeptember 30, 2015
Room Acoustics Training Sounds Fields / Acoustic Fields The following is an unedited transcript from our video series from Acoustic Fields. There will…Dennis FoleySeptember 3, 2015
Room Acoustics Training What is High Frequency Sparkle? Today, we're going to talk about high frequency sparkle. Not a very scientific name I'll…Dennis FoleyMay 13, 2015
Acoustic Treatment Google HangoutsFeatured Articles How would you design a dedicated listening room to house a pair of Wilson Audio Specialties Alexandra XLF or Pipe Dreams 7 speakers? I was recently asked how I would design a dedicated listening room to house a…Dennis FoleyMarch 9, 2015
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Recording acoustic guitar mic techniques discussion In another of our monthly Google Hangouts with experienced and talented audio engineers Brad Pierce,…Dennis FoleyMarch 8, 2015
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Can metal be used in a good sounding room? Someone recently emailed in to ask "Can metal be used in a good sounding room?…Dennis FoleyFebruary 19, 2015
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training How To Achieve A Diffused Sound Field In Your Room…& Overcome Diffusion Confusion! Today we’re going to talk about diffusion because there’s a lot of confusion in diffusion.…Dennis FoleyFebruary 16, 2015
Featured Articles Why Understanding Sound Transmission Class Ratings (STC) Is So Important Today we're going to talk about sound transmission class rating. Our rooms technically should be…Dennis FoleyJanuary 26, 2015
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Do you recommend diffusion in a control room? The below is a short video and transcript on sound diffusion and its application in…Dennis FoleyDecember 15, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Why Egg Cartons Cannot Be Used As Diffusers or Absorbers We have updated this blog since its original posting to include new information and thinking…Dennis FoleyNovember 27, 2014
Fill out the information in this link. Submit data and schedule an appointment. https://www.acousticfields.com/free-room-analysis/
There may be apps that do that. You can definitely find spectrum analyzers that will measure ultra low.
Fill out the information in this link. Submit data and schedule an appointment. https://www.acousticfields.com/free-room-analysis/
I’m seeking info for sanctuary reverberation absorbsion material ( panels) and best placement.
There may be apps that do that. You can definitely find spectrum analyzers that will measure ultra low.
Is there an APP that can measure the ultra low frequency levels?