Acoustic Treatment Google HangoutsRecording Studio Acoustics Is Building A Recording Studio In A Basement A Good Idea? This blog has been updated from its original post to reflect new information regarding building…Dennis FoleyAugust 9, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts How to hang acoustic foam correctly Open-celled Acoustic foam, which is the foam that we use for sound absorption for middle…Dennis FoleyAugust 8, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts What is the best acoustic treatment for restaurants? Acoustic treatment for restaurants is one of the most overlooked elements of the restaurant trade…Dennis FoleyAugust 8, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google HangoutsRecording Studio Acoustics Why A Studio Room Acoustic Calculator Is Only A Start In Determining What Treatment You Need? As you will see in the below video I was recently asked the following. “Dennis,…Dennis FoleyAugust 8, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Is There A Room Acoustics Prediction Software You Would Recommend? This blog has been revised from its original posting to reflect changes and new information…Dennis FoleyAugust 6, 2014
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Diffusion Vs Reflection Diffusion Vs Reflection - Let the battle of understanding commence. Sound is either diffused, reflected,…Dennis FoleyAugust 5, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts What Is The Best Acoustic Treatment For Windows? What is the best acoustic treatment for windows? This is a question that seems to…Dennis FoleyAugust 4, 2014
Room Acoustics Training How To Soundproof An Office Today we're going to talk about how to soundproof an office. A lot of people…Dennis FoleyAugust 1, 2014
Featured Articles Acoustic Foam Placement Guide – Amount & Positioning, What is best for you? Since the initial writing of this blog on acoustic foam placement, foam technology has improved…Dennis FoleyJuly 31, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google HangoutsFeatured Articles Voice & Music Articulation Measurements In Room Acoustics When it comes to the domain of room acoustics, voice & music articulation measurements need…MikeSorensenJuly 29, 2014