Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Is There Any Purpose To Acoustic Reflector Panels? Last week I was asked why we don't sell acoustic reflective panels. Well reflections are…Dennis FoleySeptember 11, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts What Acoustical Curtains Are Best? This Blog has been updated from it original posting to reflect new information and changes…Dennis FoleySeptember 11, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Ideal Speaker Room Size Recommendations There seems to be a trend in the culture in North America where more is…Dennis FoleySeptember 11, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Recommended acoustic treatment for home studios explained In last week's Google Hangout I was asked the following: "I've been reading some guides…Dennis FoleySeptember 9, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Where To Hang Acoustic Foam Panels This week I was asked by a customer where they should hang their acoustic foam…Dennis FoleySeptember 5, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google HangoutsHome Theater Acoustics What Kind Of Home Theater Diffuser Panels Do You Recommend For The Ceiling? Last week I was asked about the ideal set up for home theater diffuser panels…Dennis FoleySeptember 5, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts The Acoustic Foam Pyramid Vs Wedge Performance Myth In a recent Google Hangout, I was asked if there was a performance difference in…Dennis FoleySeptember 5, 2014
Featured ArticlesHome Theater AcousticsRecording Studio AcousticsRoom Acoustics Training Subwoofer Acoustic Treatment – How To Manage Subwoofers The Correct Way This blog has been updated to reflect new science regarding subwoofer acoustic treatment, this update…Dennis FoleySeptember 1, 2014
Featured ArticlesHome Theater AcousticsRecording Studio Acoustics The DIY Bass Traps / DIY Bass Absorber Kit Guide Today we’re going to finally assemble our DIY Bass Absorber BDA kit. This is our…Dennis FoleyAugust 30, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Acoustic Panels Placement Guide Last week I was asked about ideal acoustic panels placement and whether they should be…Dennis FoleyAugust 30, 2014