Acoustic Fields Academy Sound Traps – Beware Of These Myths The search term sound traps is a term that is not descriptive of the function…Dennis FoleySeptember 10, 2022
Acoustic Fields Academy Acoustic Wall Panel What does the term acoustic wall panel mean? Is it a sound absorption panel? Is…Dennis FoleySeptember 3, 2022
Acoustic Fields Academy Soundproofing Boards The term soundproofing boards makes no sense from an acoustical perspective. Let's examine each word…Dennis FoleyAugust 27, 2022
Acoustic Fields Academy Sound Absorption Panels Sound absorption panels come in many forms, shapes, and the most important performance. Sound absorption…Dennis FoleyAugust 13, 2022
Acoustic Fields Academy Absorption Coefficients Explained What are absorption coefficients? They are a number that indicates how much energy a sound…Dennis FoleyApril 30, 2022
Acoustic Fields Academy How Many Acoustic Panels Do I Need The answer to how many acoustic panels you will need depends on numerous factors. First,…Dennis FoleyApril 9, 2022
Acoustic Fields Academy Home Theater Dimensions What are the best home theater dimensions? Since low frequency energy is a hallmark of…Dennis FoleyApril 2, 2022
Acoustic Fields Academy Vocal Isolation Vocal isolation is a term that refers to the process of noise transmission. Noise transmission…Dennis FoleyMarch 26, 2022
Acoustic Fields Academy Styrofoam Ceiling Tiles Styrofoam ceiling tiles are inexpensive but do not perform well enough to be used within…Dennis FoleyMarch 19, 2022
Acoustic Fields Academy What Does Acoustic Foam Do? What does acoustic foam do? Acoustic foam is a technology that is used to absorb…Dennis FoleyMarch 12, 2022