Featured Articles Introducing: Foley Acoustics – High-End Acoustical Designs Foley Acoustics was created for the acoustic design of critical listening audio and video environments.…Dennis FoleyAugust 20, 2019
Featured Articles What Is Quality Room Sound? I know you've heard me say this a lot of times and a lot of…Dennis FoleySeptember 29, 2018
Featured Articles What’s A Psycho-Acoustic Space? Today we're going to talk about a term I call psycho-acoustic space. It's a big…Dennis FoleySeptember 22, 2018
Featured Articles Is Your Room Size Coincidental? Let's talk about coincidental room sizes and volumes so we can kind of get a…Dennis FoleySeptember 18, 2018
Featured Articles What’s Your Rooms Goal For Low Frequency? Let's talk about the room kind of as an entity and what is its goal…Dennis FoleySeptember 15, 2018
Featured Articles How You Can Take Advantage of Your Ceiling Trusses Let's talk about the ceiling truss advantage that a lot of people have. We get…Dennis FoleySeptember 11, 2018
Featured Articles How To Build A Bass Trap Let's talk about how to build a bass trap. Alright, first off let's define some…Dennis FoleySeptember 4, 2018
Featured Articles Why Room Width is WEALTH Today we're going to talk about room width as being very wealth, wealthy if you…Dennis FoleySeptember 1, 2018
Featured Articles How Low Frequency Issues Cause Room Fatigue Today we're going to talk about room fatigue. In Los Angeles I get a lot…Dennis FoleyAugust 28, 2018
Featured Articles Home Theater Seat Risers With Integrated Low Frequency Absorbers Today we're going to talk about home theater seat risers. We see a lot of…Dennis FoleyAugust 21, 2018