Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Should you put a sound absorbing technology behind a speaker? In last weeks hangout I was asked "Should you put a sound absorbing technology behind…Dennis FoleyNovember 27, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Why Egg Cartons Cannot Be Used As Diffusers or Absorbers We have updated this blog since its original posting to include new information and thinking…Dennis FoleyNovember 27, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts How to Solve the Problems of Speaker Boundary Interference Response I received a lot of questions in regards to my recent speaker boundary interference response…Dennis FoleyNovember 26, 2014
Featured ArticlesHome Theater AcousticsRoom Acoustics Training Why Soundproofing And Acoustic Treatment Are Completely Different Concepts Today we're going to talk about the room versus the room shell and why the…Dennis FoleyNovember 17, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Should I use pink or white noise to measure time correction by ear in car audio? In response to my “Pink noise versus white noise” video I was asked if, when…Dennis FoleyNovember 11, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Can you add homemade rock wool Panels to block an alcove and get equal wall distances? Last week I was asked if you can add homemade rock wool Panels to block…Dennis FoleyNovember 11, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts What is your opinion on VPR (or CBA) type sound absorbers? In response to my “How a Diaphragmatic Absorber video works” video, which you can see…Dennis FoleyNovember 11, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Is it true that the denser the material the lower frequencies it absorbs? In response to my “Three acoustic technologies all studios must have” video, which you can…Dennis FoleyNovember 11, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Is sound damping a result of absorption? In response to my “What are the best sound damping materials” video, which you can…Dennis FoleyNovember 11, 2014
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Is a live end dead end (LEDE) approach good for home theaters? Last week I was asked "Is a live end dead end (LEDE) approach good for…Dennis FoleyNovember 10, 2014