Acoustic Fields AcademySoundproofing How to Soundproof Apartment Ceilings Apartments are always an issue when it comes to noise transmission. The construction materials and…Dennis FoleyNovember 6, 2021
Acoustic Fields Academy Soundproofing For Drums What is soundproofing for drums. Let's examine that phrase and break it down into components…Dennis FoleyOctober 23, 2021
Acoustic Fields Academy Do Acoustic Panels Work? The answer to the question do acoustic panels work can be answered by identifying the…Dennis FoleyOctober 16, 2021
Acoustic Fields AcademySoundproofing Sound Dampening For Windows There is no such thing as sound dampening for windows. The process labeled dampening is…Dennis FoleyOctober 9, 2021
Acoustic Fields Academy Soundproofing Existing Walls The term soundproofing is a misnomer. With noise transmission, nothing is "proofed". If your goal…Dennis FoleySeptember 18, 2021
Acoustic Fields Academy Music Room Ideas How do we approach the issue of music room ideas? First, we must decide what…Dennis FoleySeptember 11, 2021
Acoustic Fields AcademyHome Theater Acoustics Home Theater Acoustic Panels Home theater acoustic panels come in many different flavors. We have low frequency home theater…Dennis FoleyAugust 28, 2021
Acoustic Fields Academy Sound Dampening Paint There is no such thing as sound dampening paint. Let's back up a bit and…Dennis FoleyAugust 21, 2021
Acoustic Fields Academy Bass Trap Foam The three word bass trap foam does not go together. A bass trap will never…Dennis FoleyAugust 14, 2021
Acoustic Fields Academy How To Set Up A Listening Room How to set up a listening room. You don't know how many times a day…Dennis FoleyAugust 7, 2021