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Home Theater


Project Specs:

Room Size: 40′ W x 20′ H x 60′ L

Seating: 30

Screen Size: 20′

Channels: 30

Subwoofers: 8 – 18″

SPL: 120

STC: 90

Carbon Walls: 24″ Deep

Budget: 2 M

Diaphragmatic Horsepower

Our carbon technology built into two walls, not just one. Our ACDA-10 and ACDA-12 technology tuned into every stud space throughout the theater. We went after all low-frequency issues every 14 1/2″ throughout the whole room including the ceiling and the four walls. With 6 – 18″ drivers, we need diaphragmatic horsepower. In addition to our carbon technology for low-frequency management, we are using our foam technology for middle and high frequencies. With our carbon and foam technologies, we have broadband, linear, rates of absorption that work together.

Everything Done Right

A home theater with everything done right. I mean everything. Every variable that has an impact on sound quality and noise is addressed. We have a 20′ screen size with 30 seats and 30 channels. For low-frequency impact, we have 6 -18″ subwoofers. This will provide enough energy to produce the pressure levels needed to fill a large volume of space. To absorb the low-frequency energy and make sure the attack and decay rates are correct, we are using two walls at 12″ deep with our carbon technology.

Let’s start with room size, volume, and usage. What is a home theater? Its really just a screen, (video) with audio and your chair. You want to walk into the room, sit in your chair, dim the lights, and watch the movie. The video presentation comes on the screen. You do not want to think about the audio. You want it to seamlessly blend with the video presentation. You do not want to see the speakers or be able to locate the position of them. You do not want to hear the room, just the audio from the electronics. The room must disappear.

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Absorbing Close To The Source

It can not produce resonances at low frequencies. I mean any resonances. Room modes can not be allowed to interfere with audio tracks of explosions, crashes, or a host of other audio variables and sound effects when it comes to movies. Audio must follow the video on the screen. Explosions must live and die on their own volition. A left screen to right screen car movement must track perfectly with the left to right audio. The timing of the audio signal is imperative and the room attack and decay rates can produce that unwanted low-frequency distortion that can impact that time signature. How do we ensure against this?

We build two walls that run 1″ apart from each other and cover the ceiling and the walls. Walls that are 12″ deep with our carbon technology. That makes 24″ of carbon low-frequency management on the ceiling and four walls. The floor is treated with our carbon platforms under the 30 seats. The best place to put absorption is close to the source or the receiver. We will be building carbon cabinets for all subwoofers to absorb close to the source. We will put the low-frequency management into the seat platforms. You can not get any closer to the receiver than this. All walls, floor, and ceilings treated to manage peak pressure levels of 120 dB SPL.

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Hear All The Channels

With 30 channels of input into the room, we must have the distance for any audio channel to be able to distribute its energy based upon its design into the room so it moves according to the speaker’s design parameters. Time and distance. You get time with distance. With 30 channels things can get crowded in any room. You must have enough distance that all middle and high frequencies have enough distance to be free. If not, you must have enough distance that you can treat the issues the dimension produces. All screen dialog depends on this along with the proper rates and levels of absorption and diffusion.

Diffusion is a technology to make a small room sound larger. With a theater, we want a large room sound. We want all channels to be heard. We want each channel to have the distance to produce its energy and have the time and distance to live. After it is released from the speakers and heads to the wall surfaces, we want it to strike the wall surface areas and be absorbed which reduces the amplitude. If we do not want to reduce the amplitude through absorption, we can then use diffusion to reduce the impact of the reflection without absorption. Diffusion will open the soundstage and make your theater sound twice as large.

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[vc_line_chart type=”line” style=”modern” tooltips=”” x_values=”30 Hz; 40 Hz; 50 Hz; 60 Hz; 80 Hz; 100 Hz;” values=”%5B%7B%22title%22%3A%22ACDA-10%20Absorption%20Coefficient%20in%20%25%22%2C%22y_values%22%3A%2212%3B%2035%3B%2035%3B%2012%3B%2020%3B%2019%3B%22%2C%22color%22%3A%22sky%22%2C%22custom_color%22%3A%22%23ff9900%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22ACDA-12%20Absorption%20Coefficient%20in%20%25%22%2C%22y_values%22%3A%2212%3B%2065%3B%20100%3B%22%2C%22color%22%3A%22juicy-pink%22%7D%5D” animation=”easeinQuad” el_class=”chart-centering” el_id=”black-chart”]

Activated Carbon Bass Absorbers

Our low frequency activated carbon bass absorbers can be built into your walls or placed in your room as free standing units. They are the most powerful bass absorbers available on the commercial market. Our ACDA 12 unit achieves 100% absorption at 50 Hz., 63% at 40 Hz. and continue doing a great job down into the 30 Hz. range. Whereas our ACDA 10unit provides broadband absorption from 30 Hz. to 400 Hz. at 25% average. And all of this is achieved in just a 10″ depth space.

Our low frequency absorption rates have been independently tested and verified by the World famous Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories (now Alion Labs). The graphs you can see show the absorption levels verified in the reports.

Download testing results below:

[vc_single_image image=”87516″ img_size=”382×74″ onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=”” css=”.vc_custom_1574284608544{margin-bottom: 25px !important;}”][vc_single_image image=”87515″ img_size=”382×74″ onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=””]
[vc_cta h2=”Do You Want To Solve Your Room Acoustic Problems?” txt_align=”center” shape=”square” style=”flat” color=”grey” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Start Your Free Room Analysis” btn_color=”warning” btn_align=”center” btn_i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-signal” btn_add_icon=”true” btn_link=”url:%2Ffree-room-analysis%2F|||”]There’s no one size fits all when it comes to room acoustics.
That’s why you need an individual room acoustic analysis in order to fix the issues you’re facing in your room.
Our chief acoustics engineer Dennis Foley will analyse your room personally and the best part is: It’s 100% free![/vc_cta]
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