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Hit Doctor Records

Music & VR Production Studio, Los Angeles, CA

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Next Level
Music Production

Diaphragmatic absorption is the only technology that will have the horsepower to absorb unwanted low frequency pressure issues from 30 – 200 Hz. which is typical in small room acoustics. Only diaphragmatic absorption goes down to the levels required and absorbs at proper rates. It takes extra strength to be able to go low and absorb high. Yes, they are heavy but due to their mass, you need less units.

[cq_vc_hotspot image=”78772″ icontype=”number” position=”10%|38%,20%|49%,22%|82%,,” iconbackground=”#ce291e” circlecolor=”#ffffff” ispulse=”no” links=”#,,#”][hotspotitem]ACDA-12 Studio[/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem]Sub Woofer[/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem]Near Field Monitors[/hotspotitem][/cq_vc_hotspot]

Mix It Once

Small rooms have large low frequency energy issues. The unwanted low frequency modal energy is always the greatest between the speakers (source) and the front wall. You must define the troublesome frequencies, measure their strength, and apply the proper square footage of surface area and technology to treat. The Hit Factory was no exception to this front wall, low frequency, pressure issue.

The room showed issues from 30 Hz. – 200 Hz. in this front wall area which is typical in most small rooms. Now that we have determined the frequency and amplitude, we can then calculate what type of absorption technology and how much. Since we were consistent in unwanted energy from 30 – 200 Hz. we went with our broadband ACDA-10 coverage with a calculated 20 sq. ft. of coverage.

[cq_vc_hotspot image=”78774″ icontype=”number” startnumber=”4″ position=”53%|49%,11%|73%,” iconbackground=”#ce291e” circlecolor=”#ffffff” ispulse=”no” links=”,”][hotspotitem]Near Field Monitors[/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem]ACDA-12 Studio[/hotspotitem][/cq_vc_hotspot]

Bass Absorption Done Right

The absorption must occur between the front wall and the speakers. Finding the exact location takes time. Moving the units is not difficult since they are on two wheel casters.Casters are welcome with the weight of each unit over 250 lbs.This moving/listening is all part of the tuning process. The process usually takes a few weeks depending on the distance from speakers to front wall. Sub woofer energy need to absorbed as close to the source as possible.

You can’t get much closer than a platform to set the sub woofer on. Elevating the sub off the floor with a powerful absorbing technology, minimizes SBIE (Speaker Boundary Interference Effect) from floor to sub woofer. Placing frequency specif absorption under the sub woofer, reduces the amount of energy that enters the room and thus allows for more definition and separation in the low end.

[cq_vc_hotspot image=”78777″ icontype=”number” startnumber=”6″ position=”72%|61%,” iconbackground=”#ce291e” circlecolor=”#ffffff” ispulse=”no” links=”#,”][hotspotitem]Sub Woofer Carbon Platform SWCP[/hotspotitem][/cq_vc_hotspot]

Dealing With Vibrational Energy

Sub woofer platforms are necessary for three many reasons. First, absorption is required with all sub woofers in small rooms. It is just a fact of life that 30 and 40 cycle energy does not fit into today’s smaller rooms. A sub woofer platform is not enough surface area, but it is a good start because it elevates and absorbs at the same time. Elevation off the floor of low frequency sources is always welcome, especially with multiple sources.

Multiple sub woofers are used in mixing rooms, especially when the musical genre is low frequency heavy. Multiple sub woofers, elevated at the correct distance, and in the correct position for usage/size/volume of room can have a pressure equalizing effect on the low energy of any small room. Positions are never in the corners of rooms as is so widely publicized. You never want more room sound, especially with low frequency energy.

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ACDA Studio Series

The ACDA-12 STUDIO has the same performance as our 1,350.00 units which are only different in finish.

ACDA 12 Riverbank Acoustical Labs Testing Results

Finish is a three coat process of clear coat to protect the commercial grade exterior material. Carbon technology inside the unit and our 2″ foam technology featured upon the face of each unit.

The ACDA-12 STUDIO is a frequency specific absorber that starts at 30 Hz. and goes through 50 Hz. It does this journey with 35 % absorption at 30 Hz., 63% at 40 Hz. and 100% at 50 Hz. This unit is a low frequency, very powerful, “sponge” that you can use to absorb 30 – 50 Hz. unwanted energy within today’s smaller studios.

Live rooms can benefit from this absorption range. Control rooms will require it if dimensions are below 20′ and that is a common concern in today’s smaller rooms. They work well for kick drum unwanted low frequency pressure issues.

About Hit Doctor Records

Hit Doctor Records is deeply interested in the intersection of music and technology. Hit Doctor Records works with artists across a wide variety of genres, and have a music and virtual reality production space in Culver City.

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