News Check out this music infographic: The Rock ‘n’ Roll Map of Manhattan Manhattan has a rich history for Rock N Roll and taking a tour of the…MikeSorensenDecember 20, 2012
News Who Are The Most Shared Artists On Twitter? [INFOGRAPHIC] – hypebot The social music service Serendip did some research to determine the most talked about music…MikeSorensenDecember 20, 2012
News Riches to Rags | Many famous people live extravagant lifestyles that they can not afford. I few of the…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012
News Tech Brief: A Layman’s Guide to 4K A quick explanation of the up coming generation of televisions called 4k. This article goes…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012
News Guest Post: How the LP (and the 45 single) Were Born « Audio Geek Zine In 2013, the vinyl LP will turn sixty-five years old. The Vinyl LP has begun…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012
News REVIEW: The Clearaudio Concept Turntable A brief buying guide that goes over the various different types of turntables available for…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012
News Evolution of the Online Music Industry | This article's key point is that not all of the online music scene is illegal.…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012
News U.S. Digital Album Sales Up 15%, On Track For Record Breaking Year [INFOGRAPHIC] – hypebot U.S. Digital Album sales are way up this year. Smartphones & tablets were one of…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012
News All Blogs – Are You Advertising to the Right People? More often than not, the complexity of human preference has no credible explanations. People themselves…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012
News Prosoundnetwork Blogs – New Jersey Studio Destroyed By Sandy Sonic Surgery Studio in Union Beach, New Jersey has been destroyed by hurricane Sandy. There…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012
Fill out the information in this link. Submit data and schedule an appointment.
There may be apps that do that. You can definitely find spectrum analyzers that will measure ultra low.
Fill out the information in this link. Submit data and schedule an appointment.
I’m seeking info for sanctuary reverberation absorbsion material ( panels) and best placement.
There may be apps that do that. You can definitely find spectrum analyzers that will measure ultra low.
Is there an APP that can measure the ultra low frequency levels?