For years, all of us in the music business knew our rooms sound bad, especially in the low end. Those of us in the business have tried many things but most treatments do not perform as advertised or work at all. We have tried boxes filled with building insulation, foam, yes, and even egg crates without success. We know we have a problem, and until now we have had no real solution. We have just had to live with the issues or work around them by taking our mixes to other rooms. That craziness all stops now.
Time For A Change
In Room Acoustics
For years, all of us in the music business knew our rooms sound bad, especially in the low end. Those of us in the business have tried many things but most treatments do not perform as advertised or work at all. We have tried boxes filled with building insulation, foam, yes, and even egg crates without success. We know we have a problem, and until now we have had no real solution. We have just had to live with the issues or work around them by taking our mixes to other rooms. That craziness all stops now.
Hear All Your Gear
We have been telling people for many years, the importance of treating your room first then placing your gear into it. This has many advantages. First, you will hear more of what your equipment really sounds like. Electronics have come a long way with lower noise floors, wide dynamic range, and high resolution. Treating your room unwanted low, middle, and high-frequency pressure issues, lets your equipment be heard in its entirety.
Most people that treat their rooms first, end up spending less on gear because they have taken the distortion of the room out of the sonic equation. Remember, that what you hear in your room is 50% equipment and 50 % room sound. If you have 32-bit equipment and place it in an 8-bit room, what are you really accomplishing? You are spending more money to hear less sound. People have been doing this for the last 50 years.
Our Clients
The Worst Room Possible
To illustrate this point, we have taken the worst environment for sound and treated this space with low, middle, and high-frequency absorption. We have increased the carbon technology inside our units to provide the extra low-frequency horsepower inside a very, very, small room. The room is a bus that is only 7′ wide and 7′ tall. The room is on wheels and we will be making a nationwide tour to demo this technology.
With a 7′ w x 7′ h x 21′ l room, we are beaten before we start. The room exhibits issues from 26 Hz. – 330 Hz. and they are double-digit large. Treating these large, low-frequency, pressure issues have never been possible with current treatment technologies until now. Our diaphragmatic, carbon technology is the game changer. We have found the answer. Come hear for yourself how a 7′ wide room can sound 15′ wide.
Carbon + Diffusion = Performance
Each one of our carbon modules that are 24″ x 12″ x 24″ has our carbon technology inside. These modules have more carbon than our standard production units. We need more absorption horsepower because we are on a bus. No one will have a room this small, so if we smooth this response curve with + 9 – + 21 dB issues from 30 – 330 Hz. think what we can do for your room. Each module is 4 square feet. We achieve + .5 dB attenuation from 30 – 300 Hz. for every 4 square feet. You have to hear this low-frequency horsepower to believe it. There is nothing as powerful on the planet. Absolutely, nothing.
Small rooms need to sound like large rooms. One of the largest impediments to achieving this is the rear wall. The reflections from the rear walls interpose themselves upon the purer direct sound from our loudspeakers during mixing and can actually enter our mixes. We have two treatment choices: absorption and diffusion. Absorption will minimize reflections through attenuation. However, it can not redistribute the reflection into another sound field that compliments our mix usage instead of working against into a competing sound field. Rear wall diffusion makes a small bus sound like a real room.
Pre-Register For The Bus Demo
We will be starting the tour shortly on the west coast around the Los Angeles area. After some time in Los Angeles, we will head towards San Francisco. After San Francisco, we will be headed to Colorado, through the midwest and then towards the east coast. I hope you get a chance to hear for yourself the power of our carbon. If you would like to be considered for a personal demo and can meet our demo requirements you can pre-register with us by filling out the form below.
ACDA Modules
The ACDA -10 Modules are broadband absorbers that absorb energy from 30 – 6500 Hz. with an average coefficient of 25 % / octave. The ACDA -12 modules absorb from 30 Hz. – 50 Hz. with 35 % at 35, 63 % at 40, and 100 % at 50 Hz.
These are the most powerful absorbers every created. Each 24″ x 24″ x 12″ module weighs 65 lbs and incorporates our carbon and foam technologies. Using modular units of the ACDA, we can calculate the amount of units needed until sufficient low frequency absorption is reached for the specific room size, volume and usage.