Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Diffusor Sound can be absorbed, reflected, or diffused. To absorb sound, we need to change the…MikeSorensenJuly 31, 2011
News Acoustical The dictionary defines acoustical as " of or relating to sound, the sense of hearing,…MikeSorensenJuly 27, 2011
Featured ArticlesHome Theater Acoustics Acoustic Panels Acoustic panels can take many forms. Acoustic panels can be made from sound absorptive or…MikeSorensenJuly 26, 2011
Featured ArticlesHome Theater Acoustics Sound Absorption Solution Sound is absorbed, diffused, or reflected. Reflections from room boundary surfaces can confuse our stereo…MikeSorensenJuly 20, 2011
Featured ArticlesHome Theater Acoustics Noise Barrier When we refer to noise, it is usually in the context of unwanted sound energy.…MikeSorensenJuly 19, 2011
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Sound Insulating Panels The term " sound insulating panels" is confusing. Sound is either reflected, absorbed, or diffused.…MikeSorensenJuly 18, 2011
Featured ArticlesHome Theater Acoustics Sound Barrier Technology Sound barrier technology refers to the ability to keep the sound in a room from…MikeSorensenJuly 12, 2011
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Bass Traps Bass traps are designed to absorb low frequency energy in our listening, home theater, and…MikeSorensenJuly 11, 2011
Featured ArticlesHome Theater Acoustics Sound Absorption vs. Soundproofing Sound absorption deals with the absorption of energy within our room boundaries. Our room is…MikeSorensenJuly 10, 2011
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Sound Absorption Sound absorption in our person listening, home theater, and professional recording studios is a popular…MikeSorensenJuly 9, 2011