Featured ArticlesHome Theater Acoustics What is Good Sound? What is Good Sound? I walk through trade show rooms and listen to the exhibitors…MikeSorensenFebruary 18, 2012
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Headphone Sound or Room Sound Head phone sound is different than sound in our rooms. Both have their good and…MikeSorensenFebruary 16, 2012
Featured ArticlesHome Theater Acoustics Db Meter A popular search term in audio is "db meter". Sometimes people search for terms that…MikeSorensenFebruary 12, 2012
Featured ArticlesHome Theater Acoustics Building a Sound Room with a Living Roof We have a client in Arizona who wanted us to build him a sound room…MikeSorensenJanuary 26, 2012
Featured ArticlesHome Theater Acoustics Personal Listening Environment # 2 If you spend as much time in your personal listening room as I do, you…MikeSorensenJanuary 20, 2012
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Hi End Stereo Hi end stereo is a term that has been with us since the 1950s. It…MikeSorensenOctober 5, 2011
Featured ArticlesHome Theater Acoustics Room Music Room music is a search phrase that 368,000 people used last month in Goggle. It…MikeSorensenOctober 4, 2011
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Hi – Fi Room Another popular search term used in Goggle in our business is the term hi -…MikeSorensenSeptember 29, 2011
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Home Audio System The phrase home audio system is another of those groups of words and terms people…MikeSorensenSeptember 28, 2011
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training High End Audio High end audio is a popular searched for term in Goggle. I always wondered what…MikeSorensenSeptember 26, 2011