News history of rock’n’roll | The infographic from shows the interesting history of Rock N Roll in America. The…MikeSorensenDecember 20, 2012
News Eurovision Song Contest | has a graphic showing all kinds of information, facts and figures for the Eurovision…MikeSorensenDecember 20, 2012
News Check out this music infographic: The Rock ‘n’ Roll Map of Manhattan Manhattan has a rich history for Rock N Roll and taking a tour of the…MikeSorensenDecember 20, 2012
News Who Are The Most Shared Artists On Twitter? [INFOGRAPHIC] – hypebot The social music service Serendip did some research to determine the most talked about music…MikeSorensenDecember 20, 2012
News Riches to Rags | Many famous people live extravagant lifestyles that they can not afford. I few of the…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012
News Tech Brief: A Layman’s Guide to 4K A quick explanation of the up coming generation of televisions called 4k. This article goes…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012
News Guest Post: How the LP (and the 45 single) Were Born « Audio Geek Zine In 2013, the vinyl LP will turn sixty-five years old. The Vinyl LP has begun…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012
News REVIEW: The Clearaudio Concept Turntable A brief buying guide that goes over the various different types of turntables available for…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012
News Evolution of the Online Music Industry | This article's key point is that not all of the online music scene is illegal.…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012
News U.S. Digital Album Sales Up 15%, On Track For Record Breaking Year [INFOGRAPHIC] – hypebot U.S. Digital Album sales are way up this year. Smartphones & tablets were one of…MikeSorensenDecember 19, 2012