News 10 Things You Gotta Do to Play Like Dick Dale. Thanks Jesse. This article is about guitar playing livivng legend Dick Dale. In the article it goes…MikeSorensenNovember 5, 2013
News Guitar Center kicks off Singer-Songwriter competition. Are you in? Nearly 30,000 Singer-Songwriters competed in the first two contests. Now, Guitar Center's contest is back…MikeSorensenNovember 5, 2013
News What is a reference system? No manufacturers, please. This article provides a variety of responses to the question by Audiogon member Michael Kingdom…MikeSorensenNovember 5, 2013
News Virtual drums and percussion. How do they sound? The article: 'Virtual drums and percussion. How do they sound?' is about how computer generated…MikeSorensenNovember 5, 2013
News Rhythm Workshop: Simple and Compound Rhythmic Groupings Demystified. Very cool. The article below is about rhythm comparisons used in guitar music. It explains the two…MikeSorensenNovember 5, 2013
News Tracing the evolution of fingerstyle blues. Very cool. If you want to study real blues guitar, from its roots, lose the pick and…MikeSorensenNovember 4, 2013
News HomeTronics’ $1.5M System Featured in Neiman Marcus 2013 Christmas Book. It's here folks the complete Neiman Marcus 2013 Christmas Book featuring a 1.5 million dollar…MikeSorensenNovember 4, 2013
News Performing Music Gets Us High. It really does. The following article: 'Performing Music Gets Us High' is about how music makes people feel…MikeSorensenNovember 4, 2013
News TechTalk: The Conversation is Changing. Quality first. The author of the following article discusses what he sees as a new trend of…MikeSorensenNovember 4, 2013
News Blondie Chaplin to join Brian Wilson & Jeff Beck on tour. Interesting. Singer and guitarist Blondie Chaplin will join again with Brian Wilson after almost 40 years!…MikeSorensenNovember 4, 2013