News Check Out The Independent Musician Sweepstakes. Every musician would love to have this package that Disc Makers and Sweetwater have created…MikeSorensenNovember 20, 2013
News Pink Floyd celebrates 40th anniversary of ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’. with the release of ‘Darkside’ – See more at: Pink Floyd released, what is to be among the greatest albums, of all time, 40…MikeSorensenNovember 20, 2013
News Calling all horn lovers. While many of us might look at a horn speaker and think it is some…MikeSorensenNovember 20, 2013
News Can math predict war? Thoughts? Is it possible for super computers to predict global conflict such as crime, natural disasters,…MikeSorensenNovember 20, 2013
News The Case For Deleting All Your Apps. Many times technology that was meant to help us along can become a hindrance. Author…MikeSorensenNovember 20, 2013
News Christie Media Block Completes Dolby Atmos Testing Movie goers and sound junkies have a lot to look forward to now that Christie…MikeSorensenNovember 20, 2013
News Why I Think Terrestrial Radio is Dying. Traditional broadcast radio is quickly getting squeezed out by a host of digital options. Right…MikeSorensenNovember 20, 2013
News New software could allow cyborg insects to map buildings. What? Cockroaches with a lightweight chip strapped onto their backs may one day save your life.…MikeSorensenNovember 19, 2013
News The Uninsured Musician’s Guide to The Affordable Care Act. Musicians are very likely to not have health insurance. For this reason they are very…MikeSorensenNovember 19, 2013
News 5 practice tips to improve your music skills. The main way to improve on your musical skills is the age old phrase of…MikeSorensenNovember 19, 2013