News HD tracks Gets a Facelift. The HDtracks website gave itself a facelift while making themselves more user friendly. The new…MikeSorensenNovember 21, 2013
News Booking your own gigs. Great info. Though it may be time consuming, Booking your own gigs as a Band is a…MikeSorensenNovember 21, 2013
News Volvo to replace body parts with energized carbon fiber panels that produce electricity. One of the great hindrances to full electric cars is the added weight of the…MikeSorensenNovember 21, 2013
News Carbyne: The new world’s strongest material? Carbyne is a chain of carbon atoms that is three times stiffer than a diamond.…MikeSorensenNovember 21, 2013
News Good advice on drum recording. Sound engineer Michael Schultz continues his article on drum recording. In this session he deals…MikeSorensenNovember 21, 2013
News The rapid advance of artificial intelligence. The Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference showcased some of the newest innovations that are…MikeSorensenNovember 21, 2013
News A 6′ sub woofer that goes down to 5 Hz. Leave it to crazy college kids to build a 6 foot tall subwoofer. Ph. D.…MikeSorensenNovember 21, 2013
News Women’s International Music Network announces 2014 She Rocks Award. The Women's International Music announces percussion legend Shelia E and Janie L. Hendrix as the…MikeSorensenNovember 20, 2013
News Are you fast and efficient in your installs? Author Todd Anthony Puma gives a rundown of common sense tips that can improve speed…MikeSorensenNovember 20, 2013
News Fleet of eBee drones capture the immensity of the Matterhorn. Amazing. A new map and images of the Matterhorn has been created by a fleet of…MikeSorensenNovember 20, 2013