News You’re Playing it Wrong! “Satch Boogie” Many songs by Joe Satriani have managed to capture the attention of many recording artists.…MikeSorensenApril 8, 2014
News How to Create a Ghostly Vocal Transition Effect – YouTube This video provides an interesting look in to the vocal transition effects that producers can…MikeSorensenApril 7, 2014
Featured Articles What Are The Most Popular Words Included In Band Names? Coming up with band names is always a pain. No matter how hard you try,…MikeSorensenApril 7, 2014
News Dave Grohl South By Southwest (SXSW) 2013 Keynote Speech in Full – YouTube Music fans will want to check out this keynote speech by Dave Grohl. It provides…MikeSorensenApril 7, 2014
News Interview With Metallica’s Sound Engineer 1989 – YouTube Many long time fans of Metallica will enjoy watching this interview with one of their…MikeSorensenApril 7, 2014
News Does Music Make you Smarter? – YouTube The Mozart effect, has been a common ideal among educators for over 30 years. The…MikeSorensenApril 7, 2014
News Camden Sound Sessions #01 – VOCAL COMPRESSION – YouTube Camden Sound Sessions will be helping people generate the skills that they need in the…MikeSorensenApril 7, 2014
News Interview: Young Chop: ‘I Gotta Stay Working’ – YouTube This clip features an interview with a leading music producer within the world of Hip…MikeSorensenApril 7, 2014
News Stevie Ray. In the early 1980s, Stevie Ray Vaughan became a sensation as a blues guitarist, appearing…MikeSorensenApril 7, 2014
News Improvisation : Alternative Guitar Summit, NYC The new Alternative Guitar summit is starting to draw a lot of attention. This has…MikeSorensenApril 7, 2014