We were fortunate to have an audience with an audiophile. Bruce Hallberg has the four main room acoustic distortions we all face. He had room modal issues with a 15 ‘ wide room. Low frequency energy that his speakers produced simply could not fit into the 15’ wide room. He had comb filtering, speaker boundary interference effect, and poor diffusion.
Comb filtering was occurring because his equipment rack was so high in the room center that reflections from the rack were producing phantom images at the listening position. His speakers were set up in the corner of the room where they were too close to the room boundary surfaces and thus causing more unwanted images. Poor diffusion is very common, especially in today’s listening rooms and that issue we see in almost every room. Without proper diffusion, your music will not come alive.
In this video you see and hear Bruce, an audiophile of 40 years, finally coming to the realization that the room is very important to his sound quality and he has decided to take the plunge and create the room he wants. He has decided to build diffusion into the front and rear walls along with low frequency absorption. Wait to you see and hear his reactions to that change.
Audiophile For 40 years
Bruce’s journey has been similar to most of us that have tried to reach an emotional connection with our two channel stereo systems. Bruce has tried many pieces of gear including speakers, amplifiers, cables, you know the story. You did the same thing and maybe are still doing it. Each new component was a sonic education in what a piece of gear of that price point can really sound like. It was an experience in learning that was constantly updating as we acquired new gear at more expensive price points.
Learning Experience
This learning experience is accompanied by an even great thirst for that emotional connection because with each piece of gear, and with its new sound, we believe we are getting closer to what we want our room to sound like. We are getting closer to connecting emotionally with our music. Unfortunately, we will never arrive at our destination with more and different gear placing it in the same acoustically unbalanced room. You wouldn’t use unbalanced cables in your audio system, why would you use your equipment including your cables in an unbalanced room. If we want emotional connect, you must deal with room acoustic distortions first, because they influence the sound of every piece of gear you play in your room.
Audiophile For Life
Bruce Hallberg has been an audiophile for over 40 years. He has driven down the hi-fi highway and has now after 40 years decided that he needs to treat his room acoustic issues if he is to advance to the next level. He has arrived at this decision by starting with the basics of room acoustics and working through them. He started with the ACDA-10 and ACDA-12 units to manage low frequency issues in his 15′ wide room. Units were then positioned along the side walls to provide the reflection management at the listening position that all side walls need. Once the ACDA-10 and ACDA-12 units were in position on the sidewalls and he had balance at the listening position he realized that to maintain the balance, he would have to treat the glass along the right channel wall. Finally, diffusion was introduced and then Bruce was able to really understand the importance of treating this acoustical issue.
In Summary
If you would like to go on a similar journey of discovery as Bruce did, and learn more about room acoustics please sign up for my free videos and ebook by joining the mailing list here. I send room tuning tips and things for you to test in your room every Wednesday. They are easy to follow and will really help you enjoy more of your music.
Alternatively feel free to contact me directly at: 520 – 392 – 9486 MST or info@acousticfields.com. You can see more of my research and development story and why I started Acoustic Fields at: https://www.acousticfields.com/who-we-are/.
Thanks and speak soon