We have two main types of energy that we must deal with when it comes to sound absorption. We have air borne energy that can be divided into two main types: waves and rays. Waves are energy that deal with frequencies below 100 Hz. Rays are energy that is above 100 Hz. and are directly responsible for reflections and RT- 60 calculations.
Structural vibrations occur from sources that produce large amounts of low frequency energy that is air born and then that energy, strikes a structure. That structure then begins to respond by vibrating or moving in response to wave after wave of energy. Vibrations then are transmitted to any surfaces that contact the structure.
Cameras have to deal with both types of energy. They have to deal with energy that is low frequency and air born. They also have to deal with structural energy that this air born creates. When low frequency energy strikes the floor, tripod, and camera, then it is converted to structural vibration which is the worst enemy of today’s digital video technology.