Hi I´m planning to have a double leaf wall, first leaf is a 15 cm brickwall and second leaf is a 2×6 wood stud (i heard in your videos this is preferably than 2×4) with insulation and a 12mm plywood. Both leafs are decoupled with 10 cm from leaf to leaf. I have 3 questions:
Regarding soundproofing and lowering resonance point:
1. Obviously my two leafs have different mass… How will this affect soundproofind and resonance point? Will I improve things by adding this second leaf or will I make things worse? I can´t match both masses… I´m thinking like containing water here… I have a strong barrier and making the whole system a little stronger by adding a new but weaker extra barrier. What will happen to soundproofing and with resonance point of the wall?
2. Im planing both leafs to be decoupled but my acoustic window will sit on top of these two walls… Will this couple the walls again? Is there any point or gain in decouple walls if I plan to install the window this way?
3. Is there a way to decouple the window? is this recommendable? could you point to a resource where I can learn more about this?
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