Hey everyone! Just setting up a new room (Pictures and exact dimensions attached) and I need some solid advice from those of you with real experience – please only chime in if you have accurate working knowledge of these concepts – helps keep the thread clear – I thank you in advance!
Most of the following concepts are not new to me (room treatment, panel placement, etc) but I have never had the opportunity to really dial in a space until now – so yeah, I will admit that some of my questions might be overly specific – but bear with me please:
p.s. I know moving the speakers around is ideal to try things out but I already have quite a lot of gear set up and cabled, so I would prefer to set things up (mathematically speaking) in a good spot first and work from there.
1. I am aware of the 38% rule for the monitoring position and am going to try that out – with regards to speaker distance from the front wall (wall behind speakers) I have read they should be placed a bit over 25% away – can anyone chime in on this – yes/ no, how much further away, suggestions?
Also, when making such a speaker-distance measurement I have read that the front of the speaker is where you make the measurement to from the front wall, is that right?
The windows are set back from the wall by 45 cm – can I use windows as distance reference point to speakers, or should I use the actual rear wall below the window frame?
2. There are a lot of different opinions about how far apart speakers should be placed from one another – things get confusing for me in this regard if you are trying to maintain the equilateral triangle speaker relationship and the 38% rule simultaneously – if you follow the 38% rule then your listening position is based on the distance to the front wall – so the width of the speakers and their distance to your head have to correspond to that, correct?
3. I have read that the speakers should not be in the middle of the room height-wise. How is this measured? From the mid point between woofer and tweeter or from the bottom or top of the speaker box itself?
4. Speaker height with regards to ear level – should your ears be at tweeter height or a bit below that – more in-between upper part of woofer and tweeter?
5. How thick should cloud panels typically be – I have extra 2 inch panels – are these sufficient? How far overhead should they hang?
6. I have windows behind my speakers – I have read that this is actually not a bad thing as bass passes through the glass and high frequencies only project outwards from front of speakers so there should be minimal high-freq reflections. Yes, no?
7. Tying into above question, should I have some bass panels on the lower wall behind my speakers in addition to corner Bass Traps?
8. The rear wall of my room is in a slightly more narrow niche – would diffusors on this rear wall be better than absorptive panels based on the 5.40 meter room length?
9. My rear wall is problematic in that the left rear corner has a door right there so I can’t place a bass trap in the corner – I can attach a bass absorption panel to the door – is this advisable?
10. My rear wall has four corners (one being where the door is) – I plan on doing superchunck Bass Traps in these corners although they are quite narrow – yes, no?
11. The corners on my front wall slope forward as they go up – I also plan on doing superchunk Bass Traps here – is it advisable to go all the way to the ceiling given the sloped wall? Also, what is a good width for the base of the triangle chunk?
12. The front wall corners have power outlets 34 cm above floor level – I need access to these so the superchunks would have to start about 35 cm above floor level – is that a no – go? Should I go all the way to the floor – or can I get away with this height discrepancy?
13. Lastly, I do have speaker stands but have used my meter bridge (see pics of desk) as it is so convenient and is only attached to my desk over 2 metal arms – however would the speaker stands typically cause less reflections off the desk?
For those of you have taken the time to read this and reply, I am super grateful and salute you
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