As the header says, I’m new to this site.
I’ve been into two channel audio and home theater
for quite awhile. My profession as an electronics tech (avionics) and later automation and instrumentation in industrial application made home entertainment kind of a natural thing…coupled with the fact I grew up near the record pressing plant in Santa Maria CA. I’d save my money so I could go with my Dad Saturday mornings, where they would roll record bins out into the parking lot. At a buck each it was christmas every Saturday!
At 11 my first “upgrade” was to cut the speaker wires on my all metal system and upgrade the speakers to the larger set built of MDF/wood. That’s where I was taught to solder to Military standards (my Dad was a early 60’s computer tech in the Air Force) In this journey I got heavily involved with the “audio/video science” forums and learned how to set up and calibrate CRT projectors. A life long friend became the North American distributor for WAVAC and later Technical Brain electronics, so I started helping him at the highend location of CES and the shows in LA. which in turn helped me meet a few manufacturers that fed my addiction with “great deals”.
All this got me to the system I have now, Technical Brain electronics, Silverline speakers that I’ve heavily modified, Esoteric digital, and a killer VPI TNT5 turntable with Eminent Technology linear tracking tonearm…again heavily modified.
In 2020 I moved from California to Rhode Island (of all places) and part of the deal was I’d get to build an addition onto our house for my system, which I finished a year ago.
What brought me here:
First was watching several videos
on youtube, getting information on how to successfully integrate my two channel and theater into my new room without killing the outstanding sound I was able to get out of my previous dedicated room. Unfortunately my new room has a couple major pitfalls that I’m working through.
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