Hi C, Noise issues require measurements over a seven day period. Noise data is then analyzed and the appropriate barrier designed. It is not a simple process and can get quite expensive. Here is our design fee for noise and treatment:
Our room design services are broken down into two parts: noise and treatment. Each has an associated fee of 1,000 USD. If you require both noise and treatment services, the fee is 1,500.00. A video from you illustrating the process is required for this reduced fee.
The treatment design includes room size and volume, source (speaker)/listening positions within room size and volume for 2 – 40 channels, all low, middle, and high frequency absorption management, including proper rates and levels of absorption to match usage, type/amount/position. All middle and high frequency diffusion specified as to type/amount/position to include proper diffusion frequency response/usage. All DIY drawings are provided for all specified treatments and types. Telephone consultation is available to assist you with any build or product implementation.
Noise analysis includes all internal/ external noise frequency and amplitude measurements taken by client under my assistance. Noise measurements are taken inside and outside of the subject room twice a day over 7 days. Barrier design based upon these seven day noise study showing frequency, amplitude, and SPL. DIY drawings provided for barrier design are based upon these measurement numbers. Material list provided to build specified barrier. Telephone consultation is available to assist you with any build or product implementation.
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