Just confusing ya all :-) (Although family is from Hamburg)
Love Dennis’s stuff.
I have a home studio in attic space; no passive room eq as yet…have just reconfigured so Im waiting to remeasure and see whats going on
I have always wondered about using infinite baffle subwoofer for 30-50?
I do a lot of mixing…couldnt get bottom end unbunped around 50-80 previously so I switched out to a tactile transducer bolted to my chair and calibrate; feel def doesnt lie and it goes down to 30 no problem…just wont go over 80 without wild bumps…
I will now have a good space for some QRD room eq if needed but I find the idea of infinite baffle sub (with some sort of mass attenuation etc) really interesting especially considering I can now mount it in the ceiling in the centre of the room (and possibly used the ceiling shape as a loaded horn although its large). Room height is the usual nightmare of 2.5 m but is approx 6x10m
Would love some feedback about that idea..am I wasting my time; anyone else done it? I did see an isobaric done like that…and the outcome was that it wasnt extremely loud but it was very solid and went to 23 hz very nicely.
I generally monitor with calibration at approx 81db a weighted PN as my starting point so its not slamming and the dynamic space of the mixers are generally K-14
Any help greatly appreciated :-)
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