Greetings from the Mile High City!
Hello everyone,
New to the forum so just posting to introduce myself,
I’m pretty late for class but I’ll try to catch up quickly and not cause too much of a disruption lol.
Anyways the reason why I’ve joined is that I find myself feeling a fair amount of disappointment and regret for not taking the time to take room acoustics as seriously as I should have.
I suppose the best excuse I have is that while I knew it was too complicated a subject for me to fully comprehend, I was too busy working and trying to fool myself into thinking I understood this subject enough to work with and make decisions about sound.
It’s a pretty bad excuse considering how important this subject is to me and my livelihood.
So I’m here to learn.
I hope I’m in the right class.
Thanks for having me, and taking the time to read this short introduction.
-The Visitor
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