I have a basement room which is W = 4m (13.2ft) H = 2.4m (7.87ft) D = 4.8m (15.74ft) with concrete wall sand ceiling, 5 small window high up next to the ceiling which are (1m (3.2ft) x 30cm(1ft) I´ve laid a thick carpet on the floor. I´m using Infinity IRS Beta. My sofa ot listening position is 0.5 (1.64ft) away from the back wall, My IRS Beta panels a almost a third of the way into the room, my bass tower i´ve also pulled into the room away from the back walls. I don´t play loud, just enough for someone the raise there voice (not shout) to be heard. Here comes the next part, i don´t really know where to start with my acoustic treatment??
William from SWEDEN!!!
Hi William, We can assist you with the treatment issues. Fill out the information in this link. Photos of all room surfaces are helpful. https://acousticfields.com/fre…..-analysis/
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