Hi there, I’ve been watching all of Dennis videos on quadratic diffusers. Bought the DIY plans and went ahead and built the QD-11 model. However, due to some cutting errors I ended up doing it 0,5 cm less deep. I went ahead and took the same depth out of each well. Well width stayed 5 cm as advised. I calculated the 1/4 wavelength frequency correspondent of each well as described in the videos , but I was wondering if this change in the overall depth will result in just a different frequency response or if it has some worst implications on the performance. Thanks in advance. Love acoustic fields!
Thank you for the response Dennis. The decrease in performance was not a planned thing but due to some cutting errors I made and budget reasons, I had to adapt and make a slightly different unit. I figured that the frequency response would be affected causing it to be smaller, but not by a lot since the changes in dimensions were pretty small. So it’s still a usable unit, just with a different and not as wide frequency response. Next time I’ll try again and get it done with the right dimensions and run measurements on both to see the change in response. Thank you.
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