is mineral wool in acoustic panels safe? 90 percent of acoustic panels are made from mineral wool covered with simple fabric without any extra protection layer. And it is known, that micro particles can escape from these panels through fabric layer. And these micro particles are the most discussed issue talking about mineral wool safety, because these particles can (potentially) stay in the lung for longer periods causing some serious illnesses, including cancer.
Yes, I know that mineral wool is not considered as cancer genic for now, but it seems that situation can change very soon:
In short, the main reason is that the conclusion to DEclassify mineral wool as cancerogenic in 2002 was based upon testing that failed to examine the product as it is actually sold and used. It was not the commercial version that was tested. The tests were conducted on the material without binder, rendering the tests misleading.
When building internal walls, mineral wool layers are always isolated with extra protection (some kind of plastic wrap), before adding drywall layer. As it is said better be safe than sorry. But in acoustic industry, mineral wool is protected only with thin fabric layer, which do not protect from micro particles… And some people live with these panels 24/7.
So what do you guys think about that? Is it safe? Also I do not know if “Acoustic Fields” absorbers use mineral wool or not, but my question would be in general about safety of acoustic panels, because the materials used in them are protected only with fabric and nothing more.
Thanks, Dennis. So your absorbers do not contain mineral/glass wool at all, right? Only carbon+foam ?
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