Hello there! I have been watching your videos for several days and educating myself on room acoustics. I am not sure how much I am willing to commit to, so I am posting on your forum instead of submitting the form.
I am an electronic producer. I work in a large rectangular-ish room 15′ by 24′, with 10′ ceilings that vault to 14′ in the middle. One of the shorter walls is 19′ long, as it includes the entry alcove. I have been working in a somewhat enclosed desk, surrounded by bookcases, on the 19′ wall for seven years. I recently got a new desk and new speakers (PreSonus Sceptre S8s), and I am currently working along one of the longer walls, with the left side of the desk about 3 feet from a wall and the other side is open to the room. I am sure this is a no-no! I definitely have some mid-lows missing at this new location in the room, and will need some treatment.
I can attach photos or just submit the form if that makes things easier. The room is slightly oddly shaped since it includes an entry alcove. My main question is whether I should stay in the new desk position or go back to my old wall, where I could potentially have up to six feet of clearance on either side of the desk before hitting a boundary. I will still need corner traps and some absorption on the wall in front of me, at the minimum, either way.
Thank you in advance for your reply!
edit: Here are some photos, in my Dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/b0w…..dRQza?dl=0
C, Fill out the information in this link. Attach photos of all room surfaces. https://www.acousticfields.com…..-analysis/
Dennis, thank you so much for speaking to me on the phone today. You took time to analyze my room, and I appreciate it so much. I have learned so much from you, from your videos and from our conversation. I feel pretty confident about what will work best in this room, now I just have to make it happen. Thank you for your kindness, it is appreciated!
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