Home theater designs must take into consideration video, audio, and the seating to see and listen. The “comfort” position affects the quality level of the video and the audio presentation.
The video presentation in any home theater design is the central focus of most home theaters. The video display must be large enough to render realism to the video presentation. Choosing the correct screen size in any type of video display unit must be given careful consideration. The proper screen size is usually determined by the room size and the distance between the chosen seating position and the screen. A large screen causes vision fatigue. A small screen does not allow for the realism of the presentation to have maximum video impact. The human eye sees through a 50 mm. focal length. Proper screen height and width must take this focal length into consideration. Imax theater screen designers seemed to have forgotten this number.
The audio presentation in home theater designs is usually given secondary priority. Speakers are usually placed where there is space available, not where they would sound the best. Multiple seating positions require that the audio designer position the audio presentation to cover a broader area. This spreading out of the sound stage and sweet spot over numerous rows and individual chairs is a delicate balancing act and usually involves some type of sonic sacrifice at different seating positions.