News Why Ugly Compressor Plugins Rock I want to share this article written by Joe Gilder of for today's audiophile…MikeSorensenMay 22, 2012
News The True Story In A Song Kim Lajoie talks about storytelling in the following post. In storytelling, truth is subjective. Once…MikeSorensenMay 22, 2012
News Vacation Island: What It Really Means to Record and Mix in Williamsburg Check out this post by David Weiss from for my daily audiophile roundup. He…MikeSorensenMay 22, 2012
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Recording Studios Bass Control Project I had the privilege and pleasure to spend most of the afternoon and the evening…MikeSorensenMay 22, 2012
News How About Some More Ritual Humiliation for the Masses?. I came across an interesting read on that I thought I would share. While…MikeSorensenMay 21, 2012
News Two Things for Creatives to Check Out ASAP Check out Dean's of article about a hot social network for writers and creatives…MikeSorensenMay 21, 2012
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Record Producers: Technician and Psychologist I have watched numerous recording engineers at work over the last few days along with…MikeSorensenMay 20, 2012
News Mastering Techniques With Dave Kutch If you are an audio engineer, you cannot afford to miss this video World…MikeSorensenMay 18, 2012
News A Beginners Guide To Audio Production I would like to share this article from by Adrian Try for my daily…MikeSorensenMay 18, 2012
News Were CDs Too Expensive? David Andrew Wiebe talks about how many people believe that CDs were too expensive…MikeSorensenMay 18, 2012