Hello.I’m Joel and I’m now a fully fledged acoustic slave.
I produce (well I think I do) electronic music with Ableton
I’ve ended up here because the room needs some more work.
I’ve hand built some acoustic panels with 1×4 planks and rockwool sound insulation as a start, now I need help.
Hello Dennis. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
I’ve already attempted to fill out the analysis form with as many details as possible.
I did need to add a few more photos as I found 4 to few, what with all the quirks in this room.
under the email name of gong sounds good. Shall I do another?
Resubmitted. Photos are terrible, too dark.
Just watched a couple more videos
of yours and I’m not sure it’s going to be possible to expect anything more from this area. I can’t find anywhere that has equal distance to boundaries with equal materials. The closest for similar material types is at the bay area.
This is certainly going to be quite a challenge Dennis. Probably on par with Sam Small’s project. I think I was happier when I didn’t know anything. :-/
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