Hi everyone,
I stumbled over this forum on my research into measuring and treating my studio, which after 20 years mixing/producing/writing, is long overdue :)
I have just moved to this new area in France (I am originally from the England) and my room is untreated and in serious need of some love and attention.
I am hoping that some of you are willing to share your more advanced knowledge in the area of acoustic room measurement and treatment so not only I can learn and share that with others, but so I can get my studio up to the professional grade that my customers deserve.
I have a measurement microphone (the one supplied with Sonarworks SoundId Reference, latest version), an SPL a 5 metre measuring tape and I have REW installed although I only know it very basic setup and no idea how to analyse the data it measures.
I don’t have Sonarworks installed yet, I wanted to only apply that if needed after the acoustic treatment was completed.
So… if any of you want to step in and help me through this process, I am all ears and willing to learn.
Best Regards
Gary (aka Afterphase and also owner of The AP Bridge studio).
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