I have been a movie/sound fan all of my life. Going to movies a person gets the full theater experience. Watching movies at home without a home theater
system, you just seem to miss something. Recently I decided to start on my man cave, which is also my home theater
. I started gathering gear back in April. I started with a Yamaha 6050 htr reciever that came with a 5.1 surround sound system. Then I bought a used Vizio 55″ tv. Before I started putting anything in the room, I noticed I had serious amounts of revereration. I purchased two cloth and wood Lazy boy recliners. After using some painters tape, I measured out the room, to find the middle was, and plotting where chairs need to be placed away from the tv. My room has a cathedral type ceiling, so I’ve added some 3’x 5′ flags for aesthetics. Adding those flags, and the items in room has seriously reduced reverberation. I also purchased a red neon rope light, and installed it about three inches from the floor. I also have plans to paint the room a darker color, it’s currently white. I’ve taken swome pictures, and have uploaded them to the site. Yes, this is a work in progress. I live in a small town, and don’t have a lot of traffic. However, I’m about a quarter of a mile from an active set of railroad tracks. Countless times throughout the day, I have trains coming through using their 90 db air horn. There also is no schedule. They have to use this horn at every crossing, and it’s quite loud. My home theater
is upstairs, and this is the only room that’s useeable for this. I can’t use my livingroom becasue I recently installed a wall furnace, and it’s also quite loud.
Thanks for sharing, I’m near Hwy 67 in St Louis(never come here) so I also am getting some 80 plus source’s also in my living room.
Even in the basement it hits mid to hi 50s
I’ve learned that -10 db in these circumstances is like upgrading the entire source.
I think I’m going to listen and study some more. I’ve been all over the YouTube vids and still have not finished with the AF stuff.
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