We usually talk about “fixing” a less than ideal listening room . My question, “within some degree of reason” is: if we started with blank page and an area of 500 to 1,000 square feet with the ceiling height flexible, what would be the best dimension of a listening room . The second part of the question is from a cost effectiveness/improved sound standpoint approximately how much would cost would be required to go into room treatment?
When I say “within some degree of reason” I am not talking about making a room with air locks, two foot concrete walls but a room in a house that could be sold and put to a different use.
I have become a believer into starting with a room and treatment and them build the hardware around the room.
Hi Mark, Matching room size/volume to usage is a balancing act between many variables. You need to go large enough in both size and volume to minimize low frequency issues below 100 Hz. Treating frequency issues above 100 Hz requires different absorption technologies than below 100 Hz. Absorption treatment below 100 Hz. is 4-5 times more expensive. The goal is to be large enough for your usage, that you minimize the amount and surface area that you will need to treat the low frequency unwanted pressure issues. We use 19′ w x 11′ h x 27′ l as a minimum for two channel listening.
All treatment can be made to be freestanding or wall hanging. This allows for you to take your acoustic treatment with you when you move. It is just as important as your amps and speakers. Save the boxes.
We like diffusion on front and rear walls with absorption on sides for image definition, staging, and focus. Once we get those three, we can then diffuse the defined and focused energy using front and rear wall diffusion. Ceiling treatment can be either diffusion or absorption or a combination of both depending on usage and ceiling height.
Low frequency management 15,000 . I would estimate 10,000 / front and rear wall diffusion . Another 5,000 for side wall foam and 10,000 for ceiling treatment. If you build it yourself, you can reduce costs by 40 – 50%.
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