Hi there,
my thought concern Bass. My understanding is that Bass waves are powerfull large waves that suck or push lighter waves around and therfore create or influence room acoustic.
I understand thats why the energy of these waves want to be reduced so they cant bulli the other ones.
Havind said that I wonder ifthe room would benefit from low frequency diffusion. I played around with QRDude and I could perfectly build a 3 wells diffusor on 100 Hz.
I understand this does not reduce the energy of the bass,( I will work on that one too) but it does diffuse which in my understanding (as described abpve) should help to even out the frequency spread.
Does that make sense or am I on a wrong track?
If it is true that Bass puches all the others around than I guess I would Ideally want a even soundpressure over all Frequencies?
Is that the goal?
Thanks and I am excited to wait for some comments.
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