I’m approaching spare time I have allotted myself to start building the BDA‘s. I’ll need 24 units but will start with 8 and proceed from there .
The build plans speak of your available foam which is sized for the BDA construction but not available in that size under the DIY foam selections. Additionally, dealing with sheets of 1″ MDF is not only a heavy endeavor but if I build to your kit suggestions, there is considerable waste of the MDF. A total cab width and height of 2″ w x 4″ h would be more efficient use of the MDF sheet goods. I’m truly surprised that your fella’s would build these units with so much material waste. With the large number of cabs I need to build, I’ll have more waste stacking up than pieces cut and assembled. I would imagine my desired cab dimensions are sufficient for the purpose because in the end, its all about total room sqft coverage.
So my question is can you supply 23″ x 47″ x 2″ foam panels and what would the price be.
Frank A.
Thanks for getting back so soon Dennis.
I need to understand you correctly as I don’t want to start cutting until I have the foam at hand as its width will determine my cutting dimensions..
I will be building your BDA‘s cross section exactly as your plans outline, which includes a single 2″ foam
piece in the front.
Are you saying you can supply a 23″x47″x2″ piece of foam
for 100 USD and I will need 2 pieces , 4″ thick costing me 200 USD for 1 BDA cab? What is the size of the foam
you are talking about which will cost me $100 ?
Frank A.
Dennis Foley said
F, You can build any width or height you desire. You can not change the depth. Foam is 100.00 USD / BDA plus shipping. If you are placing foam on the face which is recommended, you need 2 foam / unit.
Dennis. This is the kind of information I was looking for.
So this means the real critical dimensions are the depth and spacing of the internal baffles & pegboard carbon absorber ?
So I could build cabinets that are 24 inches tall to 8 feet tall if I want?
beyond saving on material waste this will solve all kinds of problems for me involving my back wall which has limited width but plenty of elevation.