DIY Sound Diffuser Build Plan
[/cg_content_strip]Are you unhappy with the poor sound diffusion in your room? Fed up with the lifeless, over absorbed, dead sound you are hearing? Is it especially true of the vocals? Are you struggling to hear all the timbre you know is there? Then you know you need proper sound diffusion treatment in your room and yet a solid wall of diffusors can set you back north of $5,000 and who has spare change like that lying around?
But what if you could build your own DIY sound diffuser that uses the exact same specs of a professional production unit that retails at way in excess of $1,000? Imagine a step by step DIY sound diffuser plan which gives you a material list which tells you what materials to use, a tool list detailing what tools are required, a cut sheet explaining what sizes to actually cut, and step by step instructions accompanied by actual build photos showing you how each completed step should look when completed.
The following video shows Chief Product Designer, Dennis Foley, working with Carl from our workshop, assembling one of our pre-cut DIY acoustic diffuser QD 13 kits.
I have enjoyed and more importantly learned a lot about my room acoustic treatment by reading from your site and watching your Youtube videos. I recently downloaded plans for your QD-11 diffusers. I had already built bass traps and placed absorbers on reflection points. The sound was much improved however I wanted more. I built 4 diffusers this week and placed them in my listening area. WOW! The sound is magical. I want to thank you for your selfless service to help us understand and treat acoustic listening environments. Thanks.
From Don
Pro Plans Made Easy
Picture yourself building professional grade diffusers out of wood and staining and finishing them to match the decor of your listening room, home theater, or professional recording studio. Then imagine having telephone or email access to a professional acoustic engineer who has built hundreds of these units when you have a question or comment. How good would it be if that same acoustic professional was there to assist you with proper positioning of your finished units in your own room? And picture the scene when you show your friends your work and let them hear the beautiful, rich in tone and character, mid ranges you always knew were being produced by your equipment but could never previously hear because your room was getting in the way!
Well that dream experience is now possible thanks to the DIY Quadratic Diffuser Plans we are making available to you. The DIY Sound Diffuser Plans for the QD – 11Â Quadratic Diffuser are based on the prime number 11Â and ensure you can hear more of your music than you ever thought possible.A fully built QD – 11Â diffuses energy starting at 375 Hz. and goes all the way through 3,400 Hz.
The plans include an actual DIY acoustic diffuser unit build out by a professional carpenter with each step in the build out photographed to match with the step by step assembly instructions. There is a tool list, material list, and cut sheet included with each build drawing. You can use any wood choice or finish to compliment your existing room decor.
A vertically positioned diffuser diffuses sound in a horizontal pattern. A horizontally positioned diffuser spreads sound energy out in a vertical array of energy. They are essential components of your room if you want to truly connect with your music, and with the DIY sound diffuser plans you get to build both!
Proper room diffusion is not an option, it is a necessity! Poor diffusion is a room distortion that is present in all rooms both small and large. In fact, it is one of four main acoustical distortions found in your room right now. Diffusion technology is a must in all listening, home theater, and professional recording studios. Now, you have the ability to build your own diffusion technologies. Not just any type of diffusion, but quadratic diffusion which is the most time tested and proven method of diffusion used by professional recording studio builders for years the world over.
What Will You Experience?
- You will get a material and tool list, cut sheet, step by step assembly instructions with actual build photos showing you what each finished step looks like when completed. So you will have plenty of instructional information to build your own units which ensures you will never go wrong or waste materials. In no time at all you’ll have a completed quadratic diffuser fully built allowing you to experience your music in a way very few people ever get the opportunity to do.
- You will have the ability to contact an engineer who has built hundreds of these units whenever you have a question or comment, so there is no fear of going wrong. This means you will be able to finish your unit very quickly and have it installed in your listening room in a matter of days.
- You will get to choose the material you want to build your unit out of and finish it in a manner that compliments your listening room or studio, so your diffusers will look as good as your room will then sound.
- You will have the ability to have both vertical and horizontal diffusion in your listening, home theater, or recording studio, so you can hear everything the artist and engineer intended you to hear when they made the recording together. This experience will bring you closer to the artist and give you a far more visceral listening experience than you ever imagined possible.
The following testimonials are about our professional QDA production units. However the QD – 11 is based on the same technology as the QDA’s and perform at similar levels. The only difference being you have will not be able to include our proprietary activated carbon low frequency absorber parts as those are purpose fit to the production units and you will obviously need to assemble the DIY sound diffuser yourself. But still that’s a hell of a deal given the thousands of dollars in savings you enjoy. In short you end up with most of the performance of our flagship QDA product but at a fraction of the price!
It is an extraordinary experience, akin to listening to a concert in, say, the best hall in Boston or Chicago or Vienna!
Gene Pitts, Editor and Publisher of The Audiophile Review Magazine and Editor-in-Chief of Audio Magazine for 22+ years.
The separation of the instruments and the focus of what you were hearing; it’s incredible! I have to tell you in all honesty, I wouldn’t believed it.
Bruce Hallberg, Audiophile for 40+ years.
Enough With A Compromised Listening Experience
A quadratic diffuser will allow all middle and high frequencies to be equally represented in your room a separation and definition in vocals and instruments that no flat room surface could ever hope to do. A quadratic diffuser will also add width to your sound stage, so your music will sound like it is coming from farther left and farther right of your actual speaker positions. With your DIY sound diffuser you’ll finally be able to achieve that balance as these plans come direct from the specs of our thousand dollar plus production units. I want to make them available to you because I’ve seen so many DIY sound diffusers on Google that are labelled as “free plans”. Having looked through a lot of the specs all I can say is “you get what you pay for!”.
Most of the designs are going to be a waste of your time and materials. Once built, the units will not perform consistently or be predictable! You’re going to end up with all sorts of new problems in your room and a huge hole in your pocket because of the materials they are advising you to buy… literally hundreds of dollars worth just in the build cost alone and all to end up with a crappy diffuser that won’t work for your intended usage and room position! I’d rather you go and buy yourself a nice crate of beer and forget all about it than go ahead with that. At the least you should look for independently verified test data like we have from Riverbank Labs (which none of these free plans have).
So don’t waste your time and energy on something that is only going to make matters worse. Buy our proven and verified DIY plans and start enjoying more of your music than you ever thought possible in a matter of hours!
We stand 100% behind our product performance levels so we are happy to offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee* if you are unhappy with the performance results, for any reason.
Limited Stock
Act now as this price is going up again soon so don’t miss out. As the exclusive designer and manufacturer of this product and technology you cannot buy these designs in any other store or on any other website. If you also add the DIY BDA unit and the DIY foam cabinet to your order at checkout you will have DIY plans to manage bass, middle and high frequencies, and units to diffuse mids and highs. With these unit plans you can control three out of the four total acoustic room distortions all small rooms suffer from.
This product is for serious recording studios and Audiophiles only. If you’re serious about wanting sonic perfection, then this is most definitely for you. Don’t live with a compromised listening room and room sound for a minute longer. Take action now, believe me, you’ll thank me for this, for years to come.
Thank you
Dennis Foley
Inventor & Owner of Acoustic Fields
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